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198 total results found

Create log health dashboard using time based data

Azure Log Analytics

This article is about how to create a dashboard using log data. We want to analyze relevant time-sensitive data in a dynamic and visually meaningful way. Use case An example application is when an application or script feeds data from various endpoints or mi...

Use of variables & dynamic content in Azure Workbooks

Azure Log Analytics

Within large Azure workbooks (dashboards), we want to be dynamic and allow users to specify their own parameters. This enables a more precise evaluation based on e.g. time period, resources and much more. Create Azure Workbook Search in Azure Portal for "Azu...

Give access to the VNC console behind reverse proxy


This article is about how the Proxmox web console, which works via the VNC protocol, can be set up behind a reverse proxy. Unfortunately, access does not work with the standard settings and you receive the following message: This article describes how acces...

Introduction & procedure of Microsoft 365 DSC

Microsoft 365 DSC

With this tool you can export your Microsoft 365 tenant as code. This code can then be backed up, customized or restored to another environment. This makes it possible to keep several environments congruent and enables you to automate and execute integrety che...

Known issues & solutions

Microsoft 365 DSC

Problems with Graph Permissions This command is used to adjust the Entra ID authorizations on the Enterprise app. All delegated rights that are required for a complete export & import are added. Update-M365DSCAllowedGraphScopes -All -Type 'Update' -Environme...

Upload files automatically to SFTP server


Prerequisite: A Gitlab Runner must be available in the project or group. You also need to know the information on how access to your (S)FTP server. This article describes how to automatically upload files to an (S)FTP server. We will create a pipeline in the ...

Build and deploy node.js app automatically using CI/CD


Prerequisites: A Gitlab Runner must be available in the project or group. Your code must be in the repo on Gitlab instance or cloud. This guide enables automation in the build and deployment process. Tested frameworks with this solution are: SvelteKit, Expres...

Concept introduction and purpose


GitLab Runner is an application that works with GitLab CI/CD to run jobs in a pipeline. It can be installed on your own infrastructure or used as a cloud service from GitLab. Runners are the agents that run the CI/CD jobs that come from GitLab. Executors deter...

Deploy new runner using docker container


A new Gitlab Runner can be added relatively easily. This technology makes it possible to build, test and deploy code automatically, as it provides a compute container for automation in the Gitlab (GIT) environment. The easiest way is to install a Gitlab Runner...

Comparison Google Workspace & Microsoft 365

Google Workspace

This overview serves to illustrate the proliferation of applications, urls and names of the most popular office applications. This comparison only applies to web applications and does not take into account any desktop applications (especially for Microsoft pro...

Authentication & use of Microsoft Partner Center API

Microsoft Partner Center

Prerequisite: Microsoft Entra ID Access Token in the user or app context with correct authorizations. You can find instructions here: Prerequisite 2: You need to install the "MicrosoftPartner" PowerShe...

Report, export & manage user logon scriptpath

Active Directory

These script blocks must be run on a domain controller/domain computer and with permissions to read or modify domain users. In the Active Directory, scripts can be set on user objects that are executed on logon. These scripts must be stored in "NETLOGON" so t...

Move Azure Subscriptions between Microsoft Entra ID tenants

Microsoft Entra ID

Prerequisites: Permissions to invite new guest users in source tenant. Permissions to grant Owner permissions to subscription in source tenant. Permissions to accept guest invitations in destination tenant. This guide shows you how to move an Azure subscripti...

Use of simultaneous processing using PowerShell threads


If a long script has to perform many tasks, this can take a lot of time in PowerShell. As PowerShell is not multithreaded by nature and processes are always executed sequentially, so-called threads can be used to minimise the script length. Example Code This...

Quick Commands

Command Line

These quick commands are executed directly on the Proxmox hosts. It is advisable to connect via SSH here, as sometimes the processes for the Web GUI are switched off. Reset MFA for local User This command can be used to delete the MFA method of a local user....

Basic Commands

Mongo CLI

The following quick commands can be executed in the MongoDB shell. To do this, you must connect to the server or container and call the CLI with the correct authorizations: mongo List Databases show dbs; Use Database use <yourdatabasename>; List Collecti...

Backup & Restore Data

Mongo CLI

With these commands, entire database instances as well as individual collections can be backed up and restored correctly. There are several options for the level at which this can be done. Backup The following command backups the entire instance of MongoDB w...

Quick Links

Command Line

On this page you will find a collection of important links and helpful blogs regarding Proxmox problems, information or changes. Proxmox APT Repo Configs The following link describes the various apt source lists in the different PVE and Debian versions. htt...

Upgrade Windows Home to Pro in OOBE

Microsoft Windows

It is possible that Windows Home devices have been purchased or are available. As these cannot be set up using Intune or require the Pro version for a managed state, these instructions can be carried out for an upgrade.The Pro version of Windows does not have ...

Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Grafana

Microsoft Entra ID Single sign on (SSO) with third party a...

Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated standard rights and access to the Grafana Docker volume. Grafana should be installed and administrator access to the web interface should be available. These instructions describe how a Grafa...