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Make script executable


In order to make sure that a file ending in .sh can be executed, you have to change its permissio...

Quick commands


Check host availability Hosts file [<hostgroupname>] <ipadress1> <ipadress2> <ipadress3> <i...

Quick commands


This summary of the commands helps to administer cronjobs better. List cronjobs With the follow...

Perform user interactions in the system context


Usage of ServiceUI ServiceUIx64.exe can be used to execute a certain part of a script in the use...

Expose docker host API to connect over TCP

Docker API

Edit file on docker host Edit this file /lib/systemd/system/docker.service with root permissions...

Access Azure Function App via OAuth 2.0 authentication

Azure Functions

This is a guide to protect Azure Function executions using OAuth 2.0. So the execution of the cod...

Credential handling with Azure KeyVault

Azure Functions

With this option, the secrets for Azure Functions are stored in an Azure Key Vault. An access pol...

Create Win32 line of business app with file upload via Graph API

Microsoft Intune

Here is a perfect manual: Win32LOB intunewin file upload process explained for automation (rozem...

Avoid object property checking with optional chaining

Theoretical Concepts

Optional chaining is a relatively new operator that was introduced in ES2020. It allows you to ca...

Long term projects & processes

Task & calendar management

This overview can be visualized best with the help of a Kanban board. Suitable tools: Microsoft P...

Tasks to appointment working method

Task & calendar management

This guide describes one possible work methodology for getting work done efficiently and transpra...

Update mailbox data via PowerShell

Microsoft Outlook

This documentation contains code blocks in PowerShell to get better acquainted with the Outlook A...

Get task entries via PowerShell

Microsoft Outlook

Requirements: Basic PowerShell knowhow and Outlook Application. This documentation shows how to ...

Get calendar entries via PowerShell

Microsoft Outlook

Requirements: Basic PowerShell knowhow and Outlook Application. This documentation shows how to ...

Advanced registry tweaks

Microsoft Windows

Enable verbose status messages Configure Windows so that you receive verbose startup, shutdown, ...

Notify license shortage with automation

Microsoft Entra ID

Requirements: Create an App Registration with LicenseAssignment.ReadWrite.All permissions and a c...

User manual


Upload files & folders via Graph API

Microsoft SharePoint

Requirements: You need to work through the "Preparations" part of this manual: Download & read fi...

Increase diskstorage for Linux VMs


To increase the storage drive you first have to increase the storagecapacity in the proxmox admin...

Allow ssh with password


Change parameter in config file Edit ssh config file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Restart...