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Basic quick commands


Get all nodes kubectl get nodes Get cluster details kubectl cluster-info Get all pods kubect...

PowerShell Quick Commands


Every command from this collection needs to be run on one of the Delivery Controllers. Turn off ...

Quick Commands

Docker CLI

Show running container docker ps Run new container (Also pulls the corresponding image) docke...

Import enrollment devices via Graph API

Microsoft Intune

Prerequisites: Graph API authorization header and the serial number & hardware identifier from th...

Regularly clean up MEID guest user with automation

Microsoft Entra ID

Requirements: Create an App Registration with AuditLog.Read.All and User.ReadWrite.All. For loggi...

Regularly clean up MEID devices with automation

Microsoft Entra ID

Requirements: Create an App Registration with Directory.ReadWrite.All and Device.ReadWrite.All. F...

Export Intune device script content via Graph API

Microsoft Intune

Prerequisites: Graph API access token and the script id from Intune device script. Since the con...

General architecture

Support HAP

Things to consider & limitations

Microsoft Graph API

These things have to be considered when building automations or applications which use the Micros...

Create user access token & authorization header

Microsoft Graph API

To authentication against the Microsoft Graph API there are two general concepts. Application per...

Experiences with Multi Admin Approval

Microsoft Intune

Multi Admin Approval is a feature in Intune, that require a second administrative account to appr...

Create Runbook Job via Webhook and Azure Management API

Azure Runbooks

To create a Runbook Job you can use the Azure Management API in combination with the webhook feat...

KQL quick commands

Azure Log Analytics

Count entries in table <loganalyticstablename> | summarize count() Get log storage usage Usage...

Create application access token & authorization header

Microsoft Graph API

To authentication against the Microsoft Graph API there are two general concepts. Application per...

Send mail via Exchange Online

Microsoft Graph API

Requirements: Authentication header is needed to use this script and API. Basic API information ...

Quick commands


Change owner of folder sudo chown -R <linuxuser>:<linuxgroup> <pathtofolder> Manage Linux group...

Centralize log collection with a custom REST API

Azure Functions

All environments of a larger IT team write several thousand logs and status messages every day. T...

Restructure JSON (object) into hashtable


This script is needed if you get an object by any source (e.g., json) and you have to give every ...

Query Azure Firewall Logs

Azure Log Analytics

Azure Firewall Logs can be stored in an Azure Log Analytics Workspace. This workspace then contai...

How to Function

Azure Functions

This is a short guide for creating an Azure Function. This is a high-level concept in order to be...