Microsoft Entra ID
Get app details and grant permissions to app registration
Provision App Registration App Registrations are containers that allow user-independent permissi...
Regularly clean up MEID devices with automation
Requirements: Create an App Registration with Directory.ReadWrite.All and Device.ReadWrite.All. F...
Regularly clean up MEID guest user with automation
Requirements: Create an App Registration with AuditLog.Read.All and User.ReadWrite.All. For loggi...
Notify license shortage with automation
Requirements: Create an App Registration with LicenseAssignment.ReadWrite.All permissions and a c...
Notify client app secret expiration with automation
Requirements: Create an App Registration with Application.Read.All permissions and a client secre...
Get App Registrations by User Principal Name
Graph API permission "Application.Read.All" or Cloud Application Administrator Role. This guide ...
Change MFA Phone via Graph API
This automation sets the primary mobile number as MFA method according to a UPN. This can be used...
Move Azure Subscriptions between Microsoft Entra ID tenants
Prerequisites: Permissions to invite new guest users in source tenant. Permissions to grant Owner...
Single sign on (SSO) with third party applications
Microsoft Entra ID is the authentication solution for Microsoft Cloud products. Using various sta...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Grafana
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated standard rights and access to...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Proxmox
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated standard rights. Proxmox shou...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Portainer
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated standard rights. Portainer sh...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Mealie
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated rights and access to the Meal...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Bookstack
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated rights and access to the Book...
Microsoft Entra ID SSO for Gitlab
Prerequisites: Ability to create an app registration with delegated standard rights and access to...