Restructure JSON (object) into hashtable
This script is needed if you get an object by any source (e.g., json) and you have to give every member of the object as a value (keypair) into a hash table.
$bodyjson = @"
"logtype": "testlogs2",
"logbody": {
"ouput":"registry key was set",
$bodyobject = ConvertFrom-Json $bodyjson
$logtype = $bodyobject.logtype
$logbodyobject = $bodyobject.logbody
$logbodyobjectmember = Get-Member -InputObject $logbodyobject | where {$_.Membertype -eq "NoteProperty"}
$outputproperties = @{}
foreach ($item in ${
$outputproperties.add($item, $logbodyobject.$item)
Use case
To post data into a log analytics workspace you have to send a hash table as body of the post request. If you build an API via Azure Functions then you get a JSON object as input. so you have to restructure the incoming body to be a hash table. This has to be dynamic so the input length and member entities can change.
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