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Graph API Handling via PowerShell

Requirements: An App Registration with the appropriate permissions and a ClientSecret.

Graph API Authentication

First, the authentication header must be compiled in the script. With this header (here the variable $Header) the authentication at the Graph API can be executed. The top three variables now contain the values, which were compiled in an upper point.

$TenantID = "<tenantid>"
$ClientId = "<cliendid>"
$ClientSecret = "<clientsecret>"
$Body = @{
"tenant" = $TenantId
"client_id" = $ClientId
"scope" = ""
"client_secret" = $ClientSecret
"grant_type" = "client_credentials"
$Params = @{
"Uri" = "$TenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
"Method" = "Post"
"Body" = $Body
"ContentType" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
$AuthResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
$Header = @{
    "Authorization" = "Bearer $($AuthResponse.access_token)"

Graph API Resources - Getting Information

This is a simple example query to get information. This only reads out. By the method "GET" this can be recognized on the second line.

$Email = "<youremailadress>"
$User = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$Email" -ContentType "Application/Json" -Header $Header

The following is the output from the $User variable, which has been populated in the top line with information from the Graph API.

@odata.context    :$metadata#users/$entity
businessPhones    : <yourbusinessphones>
displayName       : <yourdisplayname>
givenName         : <yourforename>
jobTitle          : <yourjobtitle>
mail              : <youremailadress>
mobilePhone       : <yourmobilephonenumber>
officeLocation    : <yourofficelocation>
preferredLanguage : <yourpreferredlanguage>
surname           : <yoursurname>
userPrincipalName : <yourupn>
id                : <youruserid>

Graph API Resources - Create information

In the following example, an entity is created via the Graph API in Intune. Here, the necessary information is now also transmitted, using JSON Body.

$KGTag = "TST"
$ScopeTagProdName = "SCT-INT-$KGTag-INTUNE-KGObjects-PROD"
$ScopeTagProdBody = @"
    "description":"ScopeTag for Company $KGTag"
$global:ScopeTagProd = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "" -ContentType "Application/Json" -Header $Header -body $ScopeTagProdBody

$global:ScopeTagProd is a global variable which has been populated with the return of the graph query above. The content of the variable is as follows:

id displayName 						   description                  isBuiltIn
-- ----------- 						   -----------             		---------
45 SCT-INT-TST-INTUNE-KGObjects-PROD   ScopeTag for Company TST     False