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Create application access token and authorization header


Use case


API Authentication


Build authorization header via PowerShell script


Function Build-AzureADApplicationAccessHeader(){

    $authenticationurl = "$tenantid/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    if($refreshtoken -and $tenantId){
        $tokenBodySource = @{
            grant_type = "refresh_token"
            scope = ""
            refresh_token  = $refreshtoken
    elseif($tenantId -and $clientid -and $clientSecret){
        $tokenBodySource = @{
            grant_type = "client_credentials"
            scope = ""
            client_id  = $clientid
            client_secret = "$clientSecret"
        Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Not enough information provided."

    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AuthResponse.access_token)) {
        $AuthResponse = try {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $authenticationurl -Body $tokenBodySource
        catch {
            $ErrorAuthResponse = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
            if ($ErrorAuthResponse.error -ne "authorization_pending") {
                Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Error while posting body source: $($ErrorAuthResponse.error)"

    if($AuthResponse.token_type -and $AuthResponse.access_token){
        $global:AzureAdAccessToken = "$($AuthResponse.token_type) $($AuthResponse.access_token)"
        $global:Header = @{
            "Authorization" = "$global:AzureAdAccessToken"
        Write-Output "Authorization successful! Token saved in varable."
        Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Not enough information provided."

# Authorization Header with ClientId & ClientSecret

Build-AzureADApplicationAccessHeader -tenantid $tenantid -clientid $clientid -clientSecret $clientSecret

# Authorization Header with refresh_token
Build-AzureADApplicationAccessHeader -tenantid $tenantid -refreshtoken $refreshtoken

Get Bearer Token via PowerShell script


function Get-AzureADApplicationAccessToken {

    $authenticationurl = "$tenantid/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    if($refreshtoken -and $tenantId){
        $tokenBodySource = @{
            grant_type = "refresh_token"
            scope = ""
            refresh_token  = $refreshtoken
    elseif($tenantId -and $clientid -and $clientSecret){
        $tokenBodySource = @{
            grant_type = "client_credentials"
            scope = ""
            client_id  = $clientid
            client_secret = "$clientSecret"
        Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Not enough information provided."

    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AuthResponse.access_token)) {
        $AuthResponse = try {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $authenticationurl -Body $tokenBodySource
        catch {
            $ErrorAuthResponse = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
            if ($ErrorAuthResponse.error -ne "authorization_pending") {
                Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Error while posting body source: $($ErrorAuthResponse.error)"

    if($AuthResponse.token_type -and $AuthResponse.access_token){
        $global:AzureAdAccessToken = "$($AuthResponse.token_type) $($AuthResponse.access_token)"
        Write-Output "Authorization successful! Token saved in varable."
        Write-Error "Authorization not successful. Not enough information provided."


Get-AzureADApplicationAccessToken -tenantid $tenantid -clientid $clientid -clientSecret $clientSecret