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LNC App CloudDriveGallery

LNC App CloudDriveGallery let's you create galleries from your existing cloud storage. Manage content and files from your regular file system and publish them as galleries.
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App Information

This app is designed to simplify picture publishing for sharing. There are a lot of paid tools that provide a great user experience with high resolution picture and features like like & download analytics. They all have the drawback of costing a lot of money. This app works as a proxy between your cloud storage (OneDrive) and the end user. This means that you have the benefit of low storage costs, easy picture maintenance (adding new photos, deleting some, updating the content, etc.) and centralized.

Sign in Options

All accounts are supported on CloudDriveGallery. This app is designed to work with LNC Apps Accounts, Google and Microsoft sign in. This means that there is no need to provide permissions to Google or Microsoft resources.


No specific permissions are needed. App is assigned to default group without any restrictions on visibility. 


  • Currently only OneDrive Personal links are possible (will be extended to other clouds based on demand).
  • Currently only image sorting by name is available.
  • Currently only public galleries are supported. There is no possibility to protect the access with passwords.

User Guide

(This section will follow shortly)